


By setting the deliver type to private, we are restricting access to the original asset. It is still possible to create public transformations. Assets can be images, video or raw resource types.

We'll see that we can provide access by signing the URL.

Exercise: Upload Private Asset

Execute the script below to upload an asset with a private delivery type.

node access-control/private/upload-private.js

The script adds a type:private options to the upload.

cloudinary.uploader.upload('./assets/images/goldfish.jpg', {
public_id: 'goldfish',
type: 'private',
invalidate: true

Look at the secure url in the response. Notice the signature. What happens if the signature is removed?

See the response below for example. Your signature won't be the same as the response below, because it will use your API Secret to sign the public id and any transformations.

public_id: 'goldfish',
version: 1584376364,
signature: '1402a1760efec0162f6e3dba2ad1b2da43e5e879',
width: 3740,
height: 2200,
format: 'jpg',
resource_type: 'image',
created_at: '2020-03-16T16:32:44Z',
tags: [],
bytes: 331987,
type: 'private',
etag: 'edee76a4a3fc6e5c4094eed24dd75dbc',
placeholder: false,
url: '',
secure_url: '',
access_mode: 'public',
overwritten: true,
original_filename: 'goldfish'

Exercise: Transform private asset

Execute the script below to apply a transformation to the asset just uploaded.

node access-control/private/private-transformation.js

In this script we're applying cropping transformations and f_auto, q_auto. Note that the secure: true option, gives us an encrypted request with https. Private assets don't restrict the ability to add transformations to an asset.

const url = cloudinary.url('goldfish', {
type: 'private',
secure: true,
width: 300,
height: 300,
quality: 'auto',
fetch_format: 'auto',
crop: 'limit'

Aside: you can add a_0 to create a transformation that looks like the original: if you’re trying to enforce a watermark this could undo that. We’ll see a couple of ways to control for this when we look at the authenticated access type and the enable strict transformations security setting.