Strict Transformations

Strict Transformations

Disabling Transformations

We've seen how we can disable transformations per asset by assigning them the authenticated delivery type. We can change a security setting in the DAM that will allow us to lock down the ability to create on-the-fly transformations. This lock down applies to all assets regardless of their delivery type.

Exercise: Enable Strict Transformations

Modify Security Settings to enable Strict Transformation - don’t forget to save! Notice that there are separate options for enabling strict transformations on image and video.

enable strict transformations

Additional Options for Enabling Strict Transformations

There is also an option to allow certain domains to make transformations when strict transformations are enabled.

enable referrer domain for strict transformations

Exercise: Using Strict Transformations Enabled

node access-control/strict-transformations/upload-post-strict-and-access-original.js

In the code below we are using delivery type upload which provides public access to both the original and the transform. However, notice the 3 cases as we work with the resulting secure URL:

  1. no transformation: status 200 in browser as original image is rendered in the browser and format extension is not included in URL
  2. append original format file extension: status 200 as original image is as original image is rendered in the browser with its original format as a file extension included in the URL
  3. add the angle 0 transformation: status 404 as we attempt to add a transformation when transformations are not allowed
.upload('./assets/images/jellyfish.jpg', {
public_id: 'jellyfish',
type: 'upload',
overwrite: true,
invalidate: true
.then(uploadResult => {
console.log('secure url', uploadResult.secure_url)
// Consider 4 cases:
// 1. no transformation and no auth error
// format included
let url = cloudinary.url(`${uploadResult.public_id}`, {
format: `${uploadResult.format}`
console.log('format included:', url)
// 2. original format included in Cloudinary URL config - no transformation
// no auth error
// no format - just public id
url = cloudinary.url(`${uploadResult.public_id}`, {})
console.log('cloudinary url:', url)
// 3. should not work 404
// 4. transformation
url = cloudinary.url(`${uploadResult.public_id}`, { angle: 0 })
console.log('cloudinary url:', url)
// expect fail 'resource not found' 404