Auto-Upload Preset

Auto-Upload Preset

Exercise: Auto-Upload with Preset

Presets are very useful for automating work-flow. The same instruction set can be executed on all uploaded asset that use the same preset. You can configure an upload preset for Auto-Upload assets.

We're going to create a new mapping that creates an image only directory and then we're going to create an upload preset that applies instructions to all images in that directory. We'll start by creating a new mapping, which will result in a new directory in Cloudinary. This new directory will be called remote-images. Notice that we are drilling down to the assets/images directory on the remote server.

  1. Open Settings: Upload
  2. Locate Auto Upload Mapping
  3. Click on the link to Add another mapping
  4. Choose a name for a local folder in your Cloudinary account: remote-images
  5. Enter a URL to map to your Cloudinary Folder`

You can execute this script to create the preset.

node autoupload-fetch/autoupload/preset/create-preset.js

You can see that we are going to use the filename as the public id. We're providing a key/value pair for context that will show up in the metadata section of the Media Library for any asset using this preset. We're also created a derived transformation eagerly.

name: 'remote-images',
use_filename: true,
unique_filename: false,
unsigned: false,
context: 'source=github',
eager: {
transformation: [
crop: 'thumb',
height: '300',
width: '300'
gravity: 'auto',
fetch_format: 'auto'

Notice that in green, it says that it will be used by remote-images Auto-Upload Mapping. If you want to add a preset to an Auto_Upload, just name the preset the same name as the mapped directory.

auto-upload preset

Now we'll use the preset in an upload

node autoupload-fetch/autoupload/preset/autoupload-image-after-creating-preset
const url = cloudinary.url(cloudinary.url('remote-images/kiwi.jpg'))

auto upload preset effect